Monday, December 12, 2005

The End of Fall Ball

Malibu ended its fall season yesterday with a 7-4 victory over Crespi. Jacob Perrin, Michael Gwyn, Jace Dispenza, and Colbie Bell shared the pitching duties. Stephen Williams led a 15-hit Shark attack with two doubles, a triple, and a single in four trips to the plate.

Greg Kernodle finished the season with the Sharks' top batting average (.438) among players with over 10 at bats. (Michael Gwyn, who missed much of the season due to football and a knee injury, was four-for-eight with two doubles.) Stephen Williams finished with a .429 batting average and a .714 slugging percentage thanks to thirteen total bases (2 singles, 2 doubles, 1 triple, and 1 homerun) in seven at bats over two games against Crespi.

The Sharks will next be in action in January during several preseason tournaments.

Friday, November 25, 2005

They're Here!

Fresh-cut Christmas trees arrived today at the Malibu High Athletic Booster Club lot at the corner of PCH and Heathercliff. As a reminder, the tree lot is the main fundraiser for all of the athletic programs--including baseball--at Malibu High.

Thanks to all the baseball players (and others) who showed up this morning to help unload the trees.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

O Tannenbaum, O Breakin' Down

Actually, it was the truck carrying the Christmas trees that broke down according to Coach Gallo. The bottom line, though, is that there will be no trees to unload today. Spread the word--and set aside some time on Friday to unload Christmas trees.

Games today: the JV plays at 8:30 and the varsity at 2:30. Both games are at Westhills.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

O Tannenbaum!

Christmas trees will be delivered to the tree lot on Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. All Malibu High baseball players are strongly encouraged to be there to help unload the truck.

The fall league schedule for Sunday has been changed (see the post below) so varsity players will be able to work at the lot before heading to Westhills for the 2:30 p.m. game against Chatsworth.

Also, while hours volunteered at the tree lot are always appreciated, Friday has been designated as the day for baseball and softball players to staff the lot. Baseball players should be sure to sign up for some Friday slots.

Change Is Good

Changes in this weekend's schedule appear to be complete. Here's where things stand for Week 8 of the Westhills Fall League:

  • Malibu's JV team plays Westlake at 8:30 a.m. on Sunday morning at Westhills.
  • Malibu's varsity team plays Chatsworth at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday afternoon at Westhills.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Home Games

Both Malibu teams will play at Malibu High this weekend. The varsity plays Oak Park on Sunday at 9:00 a.m. and the JV plays Buckley at 11:40 a.m. (Please note that this is a change from the original schedule.)

(Help preparing the field prior to warmups for the 9:00 a.m. game would be greatly appreciated.)

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Fall Batting Averages

Here, thanks to Dave Bowman, are the fall batting average leaders for Malibu through the first six games (based on a minimum of 10 at bats):

1. Greg Kernodle -- .500
2. Matt Bowman -- .455
3. Stephen Williams -- .400
4. Jared Weinstock -- .357
(tied) 5. Jace Dispenza -- .333
(tied) 5. Sloan Campi -- .333
(tied) 5. Wesley Semkin -- .333

Check back soon for more stats.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The End of Summer

"It breaks your heart. It is designed to break your heart. The game begins in the spring, when everything else begins again, and it blossoms in the summer, filling the afternoons and evenings, and then as soon as the chill rains come, it stops and leaves you to face the fall alone. You count on it, rely on it to buffer the passage of time, to keep the memory of sunshine and high skies alive, and then just when the days are all twilight, when you need it most, it stops. Today, October [26], a [Wednesday] of rain and broken branches and leaf-clogged drains and slick streets, it stopped, and summer was gone."

--A. Bartlett Giamatti, "The Green Fields of the Mind"

Saturday at Westhills

This week's varsity game will be at Westhills on Saturday. Start time is 3:00 p.m. Please contact Steve Weinstock if you cannot make it.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Pants Anyone?

Someone left a pair of grey baseball pants in the dugout at Chaminade on Saturday. Check with me at practice on Thursday (or give me a call) if you think they're yours.

Practice and Game Schedule

The varsity fall ball team will practice on Thursday afternoon. Saturday's game against Montclair Prep, originally scheduled for 3:00 p.m., will be at 9:00 a.m. at the Westhills baseball complex.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Upcoming: Chaminade

Both Malibu teams play at Chaminade on Saturday. The JV game begins at noon. The varsity game follows at 3:00 p.m.

For a map to Chaminade High, click here.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Practice and Games This Week

The next practice for the varsity fall ball team will be on Thursday. Expect a change in the practice schedule next week due to Yom Kippur.

The varsity team plays at Pepperdine against Taft on Saturday at 9:00 a.m. The JV game is at Malibu High on Sunday at noon against Highland Hall.

Sunday, October 02, 2005


Stephen Williams went 3-for-3 and doubled to knock in Jacob Perrin with the winning run in the bottom of the seventh inning as Highland Hall defeated Westlake High, 6-5.

No, Williams and Perrin haven't been traded. Highland Hall's manager Dave Bowman asked the two to fill in for some of his players who were unable to make today's game at Pepperdine.

Friday, September 30, 2005

No Games on Saturday

Due to disruptions (and lingering smoke) caused by the Topanga fire, all games scheduled for tomorrow have been postponed. Sunday's games, however, will be played as scheduled.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Weekend Schedule

Malibu's varsity team will play on Saturday at 3:00 p.m. against Calabasas at Calabasas. The JV team plays on Sunday at 9:00 a.m. at Pepperdine against Monclair.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Back to Wednesday

Practice for the varsity fall ball team will be on Wednesday this week at 4:00 p.m. This will allow coaches the opportunity to go to Back to School Night on Thursday. (It will also allow players more time to surf on Thursday after the early out.)

Monday, September 26, 2005

Calabasas 4, Malibu 3

Malibu dropped the first game of the fall season to Calabasas on Saturday, 4-3. In spite of strong pitching performances by Colbie Bell, Jared Weinstock, Wesley Semkin, and Jacob Perrin, a series of defensive lapses leading to three unearned runs combined with a failure to get timely hits with runners in scoring position led to the loss.

Jace Dispenza hits for Malibu.

Leadoff hitter Greg Kernodle provided most of the offense for Malibu. Kernodle was 3-for-4 on the day. Weinstock, Perrin, and Nate Schoenbrun also had one hit each.

Jared Weinstock delivers in the fourth inning.

Stephen Williams awaits the play at first base.

Malibu returns to Calabasas for a rematch on Saturday at 3:00 p.m.

Friday, September 23, 2005


If you have a spare black jersey, please turn it in so incoming players will have one to use this fall. Coach Gallo will be at the field today at 1:00 and can redistribute jerseys then. Alternatively, you may bring whatever you've got to the first game. The uniform for both teams throughout the fall season is black caps, black jerseys, grey pants, and black socks. Washing the uniform occasionally would be a nice touch.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Schedule Change for Saturday

Saturday's varsity game will be at noon against Calabasas, not 3:00 p.m. as stated in yesterday's post. As a reminder, tomorrow's practice will be at 4:00 p.m.

For more schedule information, see the Westhills Baseball site here. (Please note: Schedule changes are a common occurrence during fall ball. We'll always post the latest schedule information available here.)

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

You've Got to Pay to Play

Just a reminder: If you haven't already paid your share of the fall baseball registration fee ($130 per player), please do so on Thursday. Checks may be made payable to Robert Williams.

Saturday at Calabasas

The first game of the fall season for the Malibu High varsity team will be 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 24, at Calabasas High.

The next practice will be on Thursday, September 22, at 4:00 p.m. Please note that school is out at 12:35 p.m. that afternoon.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Fall Schedules Coming

Westhills Baseball fall league schedules for both the varsity and junior varsity teams should be available Tuesday night. I'll post Malibu's schedules here within twenty-four hours. Complete schedules should also be available soon on the Westhills Baseball web site.

Meanwhile, workouts for the varsity team are scheduled for every Thursday afternoon at 3:30 p.m. (Stay tuned for an announcement about practice times on shortened days.) The junior varsity is working out every Friday after school until further notice.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Sunday at 4:00

That's when the next fall ball workout for the varsity team will be held. We'll be at Malibu High, as usual.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Back on the Field

Malibu's varsity fall ball team will practice tomorrow--August 24--at 4:00 p.m. on the field at MHS.

Friday, August 19, 2005


Coach Paul Gallo has been named Sports Information Director at Malibu High School. Among his first contributions in the new position was the creation of a blog to make information about about all of Malibu High's sports readily available. You can find the new blog at (I'll be adding a permanent link soon.)

Congratulations, Coach.

Fall Ball Preview

The fall baseball season is just around the corner. Once again, Malibu will have both JV and varsity teams competing in the Westhills high school program. The season begins the weekend of September 24-25 and continues through December 4-5. (No games will be played Thanksgiving weekend.)

This fall, Steve Weinstock and Robert Williams will be managing the varsity team. Justin Vititoe will manage the JV team.

Please check back soon for information about upcoming practices.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

JV for the JV

Also from Coach Gallo comes word that Justin Vititoe, a 2003 graduate of Malibu High and the first baseman on the Sharks team that made it to the second round of the CIF playoffs, will be coaching the JV team in the West Hills Fall League. Welcome back, JV!

Van Soelen's Catch

I'm not sure why he's still bothering to watch the Dodgers on TV, but Coach Gallo was and he sends along this observation:

While watching the Dodgers-Mets telecast on the National Fox feed, Malibu Shark Jamie van Soelen was on catching a foul ball. And it wasn't live, it was such a good catch, it was shown on REPLAY. Sitting in the first row of the Loge section, about half way up the third base line, Jamie reached over the railing quite a way, and snatched the ball out of the air, getting the praise of Steve Lyons. He was then shown smiling with his girlfriend, as he admired the ball. NICE CATCH!!!

Way to go, Jamie!

Friday, August 12, 2005

From the Archive: 1999 MLL Diamondbacks

Here's one from the archives. Anchoring the ends of the front row in this photo of the 1999 Malibu Little League Diamondbacks are current Sharks players Stephen Williams and Jared Weinstock.

The Diamondbacks seem to have been missing a few players on Picture Day. But on game day these guys came to play!

The End of the Break

After almost three weeks without blogging, I'm back. There's some catching up to do on the American Legion season. I'll try to post some season stats sometime in the next week.

Also coming up is some information on fall ball. Look for news about a couple of August workouts followed by information on the West Hills Fall League. Once again Malibu will have two teams--JV and varsity--in West Hills' league.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Summer Vacation Begins

The American Legion season ended for Malibu today with a 5-1 loss to Santa Monica in the regional playoffs. Brooks Fitch pitched seven strong innings for Malibu, but got almost no run support just one day after a 23-run explosion against Templeton. Daniel Williams and Jamie Van Soelen ended the tournament in the cheap seats after being ejected in separated incidents midway through the game.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Legion Playoff Update

After losing to Covina on Thursday by a score of 6-4, Malibu rebounded today with a 23-5 win over Templeton in the American Legion regional tournament. Jason Puklus, who hit a first-inning homerun against Covina, had one of two grand slams for Malibu against Templeton. Brooks Fitch had the other one when he came to the plate as the fourth batter of the game for Malibu.

Malibu plays next at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday. All remaining games in the regional tournament will be played at Jackie Robinson Stadium at UCLA.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Legion Playoff Schedule

Malibu plays Covina on Thursday, July 21, at 11:00 a.m. in the first round of the American Legion playoffs. The game will be at Reeder Field on the campus of Cal State-LA.

The winner of Thursday's game plays at 2:00 p.m. on Friday at UCLA. The loser will play at 10:00 a.m., also at UCLA.

Batting practice will be on Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. at Malibu High.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Abstract Brooks

Here, with a few filter and color level adjustments, is another version of the photo below showing Brooks Fitch hitting in the twilight at Jackie Robinson Stadium last Friday.

Legion Photos

It's taking me way too long to get caught up on the box scores (although I've just posted the box score for the June 21 game against Hollywood here) and for that I apologize to all concerned (and especially to John Puklus, who likes to have the stats available and up to date). While you wait for me to get caught up, please enjoy these photos from recent games.

Colbie Bell takes care of a foul pop against Brentwood on June 28.

Phil Johnson stands in against Brentwood.

Greg Kernodle strides in a game against Santa Monica on July 2. (Who was responsible for that third base line?)

Brooks Fitch cocks the bat in the twilight against Lawndale on July 8.

With Greg Kernodle on third, Stephen Williams starts his swing against Lawndale.

Phil Johnson delivers against Pali on July 9.

Saturday, July 09, 2005


Monday's game in Malibu against University, originally scheduled for 11:00 a.m., has been pushed back to 3:00 p.m. It will be followed immediately by a makeup of the June 25 game that was postponed due to a Saturday morning scheduling mixup.

Malibu closes out the regular season with two games at UCLA--on Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. against Hollywood and on Saturday at 2:00 p.m. against Brentwood.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The Update from Coach Buss

For those of you who prefer to get your updated schedule information from Sharks Baseball instead of e-mail, here's the latest from Coach Buss:

Friday's game is at 5PM at UCLA. We are in the 1B dugout.

Saturday's game is at 2PM, UCLA. 3B dugout.

Monday we are home against University at 11AM. At Malibu HS. I still have not confirmed the 2nd half of the doubleheader . . . but be prepared for 2 games at MHS on Monday.

Clean uniforms Friday, please.

Friday's opponent is Lawndale. Saturday's is Palisades. And if you happen to be planning a pitching rotation, you might want to keep in mind that there's also a game scheduled for Tuesday.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Maj. Steve Reich

Paul Gallo writes today:

Steve Reich is a former opponent of mine at Shepaug Valley High School in Washington Depot, Connecticut and a player I later recruited while I was at Eastern Connecticut. I was hoping you could link this story on the blog for me, as a reminder that even if we do not agree with what is going on over in the Middle East, there are people, some whom we know personally, that believe in fighting for the freedom of this country.

Steve Reich was an incredible pitcher and even more so an incredible person.

I haven't seen him in about 15 years, but I will miss him.

The story, briefly, is this:

Maj. Reich died in the crash of an Army helicopter a week ago in Afghanistan. There were 16 Special Operations Forces personnel, including Reich, on board when the chopper was brought down by a rocket-propelled grenade. Maj. Reich was serving his fourth tour of duty in Afghanistan at the time.

Rather than follow Coach Gallo to Eastern Connecticut, Reich pursued a dream of attending the United States Military Academy. He pitched for the Cadets and holds career marks at West Point for strikeouts (259) and innings pitched (260). He played for Team USA in 1993 and 1995. In 1993, he was the flag bearer for the United States contingent in the World University Games. Reich signed with the Baltimore Orioles in 1996, but pitched only two games for the High Desert Mavericks of the California League before being called back into active duty.

There's more on Maj. Reich here and, with a few photos included, here.

We grieve with you, Coach.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Daily News Honors

Congratulations to Daniel Williams on being an Honorable Mention selection for the Daily News All-Area Team.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Spenser Buss

You don't have to be named "Williams" to get your picture posted on this blog (although it certainly helps). To prove it, here's a photo of Coach Buss's kid, Spenser.

According to Coach Buss, this is Spenser's first Little League photo.

You'll notice the cap is a little off-center. That, I understand, is a style point that Spenser picked up from watching Brooks Fitch play.

Saturday Split

Malibu split a doubleheader today, losing to Santa Monica A, 5-3, in the first game and beating Santa Monica B, 9-4, in the second game. Jacob Perrin was 5-for-6 in the two games. In the second game, Geoff Roth pitched a complete game for the win.

Please check back for box scores.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Five Days, Four Games

Malibu plays four games in the next five days including two afternoon games at UCLA. Tomorrow Malibu faces Brentwood for the first time this season. Game time is 2:00 p.m. On Friday, Malibu and Fairfax square off at Jackie Robinson Stadium, also at 2:00 p.m. The two Santa Monica teams visit Malibu on Saturday for games at 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.

Check the complete schedule here. (Updates will be posted as they are received.)

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Congrats, Grads!

Congratulations to the Sharks baseball players who graduated today at Malibu High.

George Paul Azzi
Alexander Robert Beck
Duncan Howard Daw
Philip William Johnson
Jason John Puklus
Geoffrey Isadore Roth
James D. Van Soelen
Brett Michael Weinstock
Aaron Scott Westine
Robert Daniel Williams

We thank you for what you've done for baseball in Malibu and wish you the best in your future endeavors, both academic and athletic. Malibu's coaches, players, and fans will miss you.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Mid-week Update

Malibu took a shortened game from Palisades with a run in the bottom of the sixth on Monday and then rolled over Hollywood on Tuesday. Box scores will be delayed a few days due to the general mayhem associated with tomorrow's graduation ceremonies at Malibu High.

Next up: Malibu plays University at UCLA on Saturday. Game time is 10:00 a.m.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Malibu 12, Hollywood 1 (Box Score)

Puklus SS221010.450
B. Weinstock p120010.231
Williams CF312100.421
Johnson 3B212310.538
Roth 1B300002.286
S. WIlliams C211310.188
Kernodle 2B312100.500
Van Soelen LF200010.143
Perrin EH301100.385
Dispenza RF311000.222
Gwyn EH211000.444
Fitch EH111200.429
Jessen EH111000.---
Campi EH101100.---


2B: S. Williams (3), Gwyn (1)
ROE: Dispenza

HP: B. Weinstock
LIDP: B. Weinstock
Team LOB: 8


SB: Puklus (1), Johnson 2 (4), Kernodle 2 (3)


E: Kernodle

B. Weinstock W (1-0)4.0310130.00

HBP: B. Weinstock
Pitches-strikes: B. Weinstock, 68-41; Gwyn, 21-12

Groundouts-flyouts: B. Weinstock, 5-4; Gwyn, 1-0

Monday, June 20, 2005

This Week's Schedule

Malibu, off to a 5-0 start in the American Legion season, has three games scheduled this week. The Sharks take on Palisades today at 5:00 at Malibu High. Tomorrow, Malibu plays Hollywood at UCLA. Game time tomorrow is also 5:00 p.m. Finally, on Saturday at 10:00 a.m., Malibu plays University at UCLA.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Happy Father's Day

One of the things I've enjoyed most about baseball in Malibu over the past ten or twelve years has been the active involvement of so many great parents. Thanks to all of you--especially, today, to you fathers--who have spent so many hours over the years coaching, cheering for, and, best of all, just having fun with your sons and mine.

Happy Father's Day!

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Malibu 3, Lawndale 2 (Box Score)

D. Williams CF211000.357
B. Weinstock 2B310000.182
Puklus P300101.444
Roth LF, P100100.333
S. Williams DH, C100010.167
J. Weinstock 1B100010.000
Gwyn C, 3B101010.400
Perrin 3B200002.500
Kernodle 2B201001.500
Dispenza RF, LF201000.250
Van Soelen EH, 1B200001.200
Schoenbrun EH, RF110001.000


2B: D. Williams (2)
ROE: B. Weinstock

HP: D. Williams
GIDP: Van Soelen
Team LOB: 5


SB: B. Weinstock (2), Schoenbrun (1)
CS: Kernodle


DP: B. Weinstock-Kernodle-Van Soelen; Gwyn-Kernodle-Van Soelen
E: J. Weinstock, Conrad, B. Weinstock

Roth W (2-0)4.0321345.48

HBP: Puklus
PO: Puklus, Roth
Pitches-strikes: Puklus, 44-28; Roth, 65-43

Groundouts-flyouts: Puklus, 1-2; Roth, 5-0

Time: 1:49

Friday, June 17, 2005

New Box Scores Posted

At last (and just in time for Izzy's use in preparing for tomorrow's game against Lawndale), box scores for the two most recent games have been posted. In order to keep the season in sequence, I've post-dated the postings. You'll find last Saturday's game against Santa Monica A here and Monday's game against Santa Monica B here.

Incidentally, the batting averages and ERAs posted with each box score are season totals, not in-game averages. I'll try to post season stats soon.

Thursday, June 16, 2005


The All-CIF Southern Section baseball selections were released yesterday. Daniel Williams was a first-team selection for Division V. Congratulations, DWil!

(For a complete list in all divisions, go to the CIF Southern Section web site here, click on "Student Awards" and select "2005 Baseball."

The Baseball Banquet

Sixty players, coaches, and family members attended the annual Malibu High Baseball banquet last night at Spruzzo's. Coach Paul Gallo awarded varsity letters to sixteen players and acknowledged the contributions of the team's ten seniors by giving all of them the Coaches' Award.

Players and coaches assembled for a group photo on the patio at the end of the evening.

In Adam Paulson's absence, Jason Cavnar recognized the players on the JV squad. Jacob Perrin was named Most Valuable Player and Sloan Campi was named Most Improved Player. Paul Gallo recognized Jason Puklus and Daniel Williams with the Captains' Award. Daniel Williams was named Most Valuable Player. All-League certificates were awarded to Brooks Fitch, Philip Johnson, Jason Puklus, Geoff Roth, Jamie Van Soelen, Brett Weinstock, and Daniel Williams. Brett Weinstock was also recognized as a member of the Frontier League All-Academic Team.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Chaos in the Courtroom

Just hours after a jury in Santa Maria, California acquitted Michael Jackson on all charges in his fourteen-week child molestation trial, all eyes were turned to the proceedings in the dugout at Jackie Robinson Stadium where, in Judge Buss's Kan-Gear-roo Court, Philip Johnson was found guilty on one count of failing to know the number of outs while running the bases. Johnson, who had three hits, two stolen bases, and six RBIs in the game against the Santa Monica B team, exploded on hearing the verdict, as the following photo shows.

In spite of his conviction, Johnson left the dugout a free man, although carrying a heavy load.

Baseball Banquet--TOMORROW!

The annual Baseball Banquet will be held tomorrow at Spruzzo's. While festivities will not get under way until after 6:00 p.m., Spruzzo's would like to begin serving earlier, so please come at 5:30. The cost will be approximately $17.50 per person, tax and tip included.


No, not Michael Jackson. We're talking about Philip Johnson. Our cameras went inside the dugout to capture the emotional scene when the verdict was announced in yesterday's postgame Kan-Gear-roo Court. Six RBIs on the day and Judge Buss still wouldn't cut him any slack. Check back later today for the full report.

Legion Update: Week One

Malibu defeated the Santa Monica A team on Saturday, 10-9, and blew past the Santa Monica B team yesterday, 11-0, to move to 4-0 on the season. Box scores and recaps will be posted soon. (A little thing called "work" has been interfering lately.)

Malibu 11, Santa Monica B 0 (Box Score)

Puklus SS533001.533
B. Weinstock 2B310020.250
D. Williams CF330020.333
Johnson 3B323610.444
Fitch P200010.333
S. Williams C311100.182
Gwyn RF201000.250
Dispenza LF200002.000
Kernodle 1B200001.500
Bell EH311010.125

a-batted for S. Williams in the sixth
b-batted for Gwyn in fifth
c-batted for Dispenza in the fifth
d-batted for Kernodle in the fifth


2B: S. Williams (2), Semkin (1)
ROE: D. WIlliams, Gwyn, Fitch

HP: Fitch
Team LOB: 11


SB: Puklus (1), B. Weinstock (1), Johnson 2 (1,2)

Semkin W (1-0)4.0200020.00

HBP: Semkin
Pitches-strikes: Fitch, 35-23; Semkin, 45-30

Groundouts-flyouts: Fitch, 3-2; Semkin, 2-8

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Malibu 10, Santa Monica A 9 (Box Score)

Puklus SS311110.500
D. Williams CF422100.444
Johnson 3B321101.167
Van Soelen 1B311210.250
Fitch P212210.600
B. Weinstock 2B311101.400
Roth RF311101.375
S. Williams C311200.125
J. Weinstock LF200001.000

a-batted for J. Weinstock in the fifth


2B: D. Williams (1), Van Soelen (1), Fitch 2 (2, 3), S. Williams (1)
Sac: Johnson (1)
Team LOB: 3


E: 2 (Johnson, Van Soelen)
DP: 2 (Fitch-Weinstock-Van Soelen; Johnson-S. Williams-Van Soelen)

Johnson, W (1-0)3.1010340.00

WP: Roth (2)
HBP: Johnson (2)
Balk: Johnson
Pitches-strikes: Fitch, 42-25; Roth, 41-22; Johnson, 51-29
Groundouts-flyouts: Fitch, 3-1; Roth, 3-1; Johnson, 3-3

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Malibu 18, Fairfax 5 (Box Score)

Puklus P323200.571
D. Williams CF231000.400
Johnson 3B110100.000
Van Soelen 1B221110.200
S. Williams C200011.000
Bell LF310000.000
Semkin RF410000.200
Kernodle 2B423200.800
Perrin SS413200.750
a-Conrad LF211000.500
b-Schoenbrun CF110010.000
c-B. Weinstock P211111.000
d-Roth 1B222300.400
f-Fitch 3B200001.200

a-batted for Puklus in the third
b-batted for D. Williams in the fourth
c-batted for Johnson in the fourth
d-batted for Van Soelen in the fourth
e-batted for S. Williams in the fourth
f-batted for Bell in the fourth


2B:  Puklus 2 (2, 3), Perrin (1), Roth (1)
3B:  Roth (1)
SF:  Johnson (1)
HP:  D. Williams, Johnson
Team LOB:  9


SB:  Williams 2 (2, 3), Kernodle (1)


CS:  1, Puklus-Johnson
E:  4 (B. Weinstock, Kernodle, Roth, Perrin)
PB:  Johnson (1)

Puklus (W, 1-0)3.0211152.33
B. Weinstock3.0140410.00

WP:  B. Weinstock (1)
HBP:  B. Weinstock (1)
Balk:  B. Weinstock
Pitches-strikes:  Puklus, 48-30; B. Weinstock, 59-35
Groundouts-flyouts:  Puklus, 3-0; B.
Weinstock, 4-4