Sunday, July 10, 2005

Legion Photos

It's taking me way too long to get caught up on the box scores (although I've just posted the box score for the June 21 game against Hollywood here) and for that I apologize to all concerned (and especially to John Puklus, who likes to have the stats available and up to date). While you wait for me to get caught up, please enjoy these photos from recent games.

Colbie Bell takes care of a foul pop against Brentwood on June 28.

Phil Johnson stands in against Brentwood.

Greg Kernodle strides in a game against Santa Monica on July 2. (Who was responsible for that third base line?)

Brooks Fitch cocks the bat in the twilight against Lawndale on July 8.

With Greg Kernodle on third, Stephen Williams starts his swing against Lawndale.

Phil Johnson delivers against Pali on July 9.


Anonymous said...

It was my pathetic third base line....and S. Williams' new batting stance is my fault, too. I bet the new stance works out better than the line...

Robert E. Williams said...

Check out Brett Weinstock at second base with his hands on his hips as the pitch is being delivered! He's thinking, "Pali's four hitter? I'll just get ready to head out for the double cut."